Hey Guys!
So I absolutely love the wrap bracelet Kristen has been wearing for a while now called Maison Martin Margiela Line 11 leather wrap bracelet. I've been looking for a while for a cheap dupe for this bracelet and i think I've found a pretty good one!
Below are the pictures and links to Kristen's & the dupe I found which you can buy in either a gold buckle or silver.
I have 5 of either the silver or textured one to giveaway, you can choose which one you want, all you have to do to win one is comment below saying what has been your best Kristen clothing or Jewellery find!
Thanks for looking!
You can follow me on Twitter & Instagram : @KStewFan123
Kristen's Bracelet: http://www.lagarconne.com/store/item.htm?itemid=17491&sid=186&pid=
Silver Dupe: http://bit.ly/QYUI4D
Gold Dupe: http://bit.ly/T6fYl8
New Haul On YouTube :
Giveaway Will Be Open For Two Months (I'm waiting on the rest to arrive) & is INTERNATIONAL! :)
Sorry Guys I've been told the Gold has sold out! *Sad Times*